Submit Medical Record Documentation via esMD
Palmetto GBA providers are able to submit medical records via esMD. In order to send medical documentation electronically to review contractors, Medicare providers, including physicians, hospitals, and suppliers, must obtain access to a CONNECT-compatible gateway.
- Certain larger providers, such as hospital chains, may choose to build their own gateway
- Many providers may choose to obtain gateway services by entering into a contract or other arrangement with a Health Information Handler (HIH) that offers esMD gateway services
Once providers have access they may submit the medical records using a case ID. The case ID will be located in the header information of the additional development request. The changes will be noted at the very beginning of the ADR or ADS letter. The header of the letters will include: report number (001), the Medicare Contractor number and the provider number on the first line. The second line will include: Date of letter, states Additional Development Request or Automated Development System letter. The third line will include the Case ID which will be used to submit the medical documentation through esMD.
There will also be a message indicating that this medical record may be submitted via EsMD and how to obtain additional information on the project. The message reads: "In the late summer, some MACs began accepting solicited documentation from providers sent via the electronic submissions of medical documentation (esmd) mechanism. For more information about esmd, see"
For additional information related to esMD please review MLN Matters® Number: MM7254 Revised Related Change Request (CR) #: 7254 and MLN Matters® Number: SE1110 Revised Medicare Pilot Project for Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD).