{"availability" : {"enabled": true,"defaultAttributes" : ["Source.eServices","Topic.Password_Reset"],"minAgentsLoggedIn" : "1","minAgentsReady" : "0","schedule" : [{"label":"SUN", "open": "0000", "close": "0000"},{"label":"MON", "open": "0800", "close": "1700"},{"label":"TUE", "open": "0800", "close": "1700"},{"label":"WED", "open": "0800", "close": "1700"},{"label":"THU", "open": "0800", "close": "1700"},{"label":"FRI", "open": "0800", "close": "1700"},{"label":"SAT", "open": "0000", "close": "0000"}],"contactPageFallback" : ""},"invitationPopup" : {"enabled" : true,"headerText": "Webchat","bodyText" : "Our dedicated webchat representatives are online to assist you with your general inquiries, provider enrollment, EDI, eServices and more in real-time.","timerAgentsFree" : "120","timerAgentsBusy" : "300","blockTimerDays" : "7"},"preChatForm" : {"intro" : "

Chat agents on this page can only assist with eServices account / password issues. For Medicare inquiries or other questions please log into eServices first or chat on PalmettoGBA.com.

Please answer the questions below. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.

.","defaultFormBlocks": "ptanValidation~avaya_attributeLOB~providerId~npi~taxId,logon","topics" : ""},"preChatMessages":{"delay": "10","messages" : ["Thank you for contacting Palmetto GBA. We recently updated our webchat application, and we are currently experiencing longer than normal wait times for an agent. Thank you for your patience while we work to enhance your webchat experience.","You now have the ability to save/print your chat conversation interactions for your review and records by clicking on \"Save Transcript.\"","Webchat works best in the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers.","If you need to request a copy of your webchat transcript, please provide your name, email address, phone number, fax number, and date of contact to the agent assisting you. If you do not provide a fax number, the transcript will be mailed to the address assigned to your provider authentication.","Did you know that you have the ability to check claim status and beneficiary eligibility on Palmetto GBA eServices? If you would like to sign up for eServices please reference: https://palmettogba.com/palmetto/jja.nsf/DIDC/82RRH38751~eServices%20Portal~Frequently%20Asked%20Questions"]},"intraChatMessages":{"delay": "10", "whisperDelay": "20", "introMessage" : "HOLD INTRO MESSAGE","messages" : ["HOLD1","HOLD2", "HOLD3","HOLD4","HOLD5"]}}