Eastern Region Site Verification Services


The Eastern Region Site Verification Services (ERSVS) Contract was awarded to Palmetto GBA in 2020 by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The site visit verification process is a screening mechanism implemented by CMS to prevent questionable providers/suppliers from enrolling in Part A and Part B of the Medicare program.

Palmetto GBA, along with our partners, conducts site verification services for providers/suppliers in the 26 states east of the Mississippi River as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands.

A site verification may be requested by CMS, or one of their Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) listed below:

MAC Jurisdiction
National Government Services, Inc. (NGS) J6, JK
Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) J8
CGS Administrators, LLC J15, JB, JC
Novitas Solutions, Inc. JL, NPE DMEPOS-East
Palmetto GBA, LLC JJ, JM
First Coast Service Options, Inc. JN
Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC JA

Once the request for the site verification service is received by Palmetto GBA, we or one of our partners will conduct the on-site verification. Our partners include: