Identify a Medicare Advantage Plan

Published 01/12/2018

Medicare Advantage Plan information is available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website. You can find out the name, address and contact information for a MA Plan in just a few steps.

  1. Go to the CMS website
  2. Select Research, Statistics, Data, and Systems
  3. Go to the Statistics, Trends & Reports section and select Medicare Advantage/Part D Contract and Enrollment Data.
  4. Scroll down and select MA Plan Directory in the far left column and then click on the link for MA Plan Directory for the most current list
  5. Go to the Downloads section and select MA Plan Directory as of ‘month, year' (This date is subject to change)
  6. Always opt to Open the file
  7. Click on the Microsoft Excel file
  8. After you open the Excel Spreadsheet, press Control/ F to use the Find function
  9. Type in the MA Code
  10. Click on the Find Next to search for the entered code
  11. Close the Find function in order to scroll in the spreadsheet

Note: This information is updated periodically so we suggest you use the file as a Read-Only file and access the website each time you are identifying a MA Plan.

Go directly to the
Plan Directory for MA, Cost, PACE, and Demo Organizations for the list of MA plans.

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