Why am I being asked to complete eServices profile verification?

Published 12/02/2024

Palmetto GBA and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are dedicated to ensuring that access to Medicare data is secure. To do this, CMS requires that all users regularly verify and/or update the information on their eServices profile. This includes validating the user's email address listed on their profile. This must occur for Palmetto GBA to continue to offer eServices. Users must verify their profile for each user ID at least once every 250 days to avoid an interruption in access and/or deactivation. Profile verification is completed on the user ID level, so users will only be able to verify and/or update the profile for the eServices user ID they are currently logged in under.

We appreciate your effort to help us keep Medicare data secure.

For additional information on profile verification, please refer to section 9 of the eServices User Manual (PDF).

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