Part B

Published 03/13/2023

Palmetto GBA has seen an increase in Part B and Railroad Medicare claims being rejected for the following front-end edit issues:

  • Supervising Provider Name: 2310D NM1 must be present if 2420D NM1 is submitted.
  • Alpha Numeric (AN) data elements: Per TR3, B. string, AN data elements may not have trailing spaces, unless it is to meet the minimum data element requirement.
  • Leading Zeros: Leading zeros are not allowed, unless it is to meet the minimum data element requirement.
  • Phone Numbers & Extensions: In the PER Segments, the EX (extension) must follow the TE (phone number).
         For example, PER*IC*JOHN SMITH*TE*8035551234*EX*123~

Please carefully review your Part B and Railroad Medicare claims prior to submission to ensure your claims are not rejected by these front-end edit issues, thus delaying the processing of your claims.

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