eServices Makes Asking a Medicare Question Easier

Published 04/04/2018

Palmetto GBA has Secure eChat to make asking Medicare questions easier. This innovative feature allows providers to interact with designated Palmetto GBA staff so they can receive real-time assistance locating information on any topics or specialties they are searching for on the Palmetto GBA website or within the eServices online portal. The Secure eChat feature also allows users to dialogue with an online operator who can assist with patient or provider specific inquires or address questions that require the sharing of PHI information! Using Secure eChat is simple! This free portal is available to all Medicare providers as long as you have a signed Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Enrollment Agreement on file with Palmetto GBA. Once in the eServices portal, from the bottom right corner select either Medicare Inquiries or eServices Help. If you do not have an eServices account, you can get started by clicking the eServices link:  
The Secure eChat feature is available during business hours to assist providers. 

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