Network Service Vendors (NSVs) for JJ
The JJ Network Service Vendors listing has been developed to assist Jurisdiction J (JJ) submitters in finding a Network Service Vendor (NSV) best suited to their needs. This list provides contact information for NSVs who have successfully tested with Palmetto GBA.
This list is updated periodically and is subject to change between publications. This list should not be construed as a recommendation or sponsorship by BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Palmetto GBA, nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, for any of the organizations that appear on the listing. Specific services and financial arrangements must be made between vendors and providers. Palmetto GBA will not be a party to any such arrangement. This listing is provided solely for your convenience.
Please contact the Palmetto GBA JJ EDI Provider Contact Center at 877-567-7271 if you have any questions about information contained in this listing.