Redetermination Status Tool
Published 06/30/2020
The Redetermination Status Tool is available in the Self Service Tools section of the Part B home page. Use this tool to find out if Palmetto GBA has received your Redetermination Request and whether your request is pending or completed. To access, all you need is the Internal Control Number (ICN) from your Medicare Remittance Notice for the claim you appealed.
Tips for Using This Tool
- If you have submitted multiple claims for the same service, be sure to enter the ICN from the initial claim determination
- If the remittance notice shows remark code MA130 for the service, then the notice is not considered an initial claim determination. MA130 signifies that the service was rejected due to a billing error. These services cannot be appealed; please correct the error and resubmit the claim in question.
- This tool may not provide the status of claims that are corrected called reopenings, which are not considered as first level appeals
- Please allow at least 10 to 12 days after submitting your appeal request before checking the status