Important Tax Information - 1099 Forms
You will soon receive a copy of your 2020 1099 form from Palmetto GBA, LLC, serving as a Medicare contractor for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Please review the enclosed document closely and contact us immediately if you notice any discrepancies in your name, tax identification number, or dollar amount reported. Below are the various contact options available:
Phone Inquiries: 888–782–2350
Email Inquiries:
Mail Inquiries:
Palmetto GBA, LLC
Attn: Finance, AG-260
Post Office Box 100217
Columbia, SC 29202–3217
Overnight mail address:
Palmetto GBA, LLC
Attn: Finance, AG-260
2300 Springdale Drive
Bldg. One
Camden, SC 29020
When reporting discrepancies please ensure that you use your company letterhead, specify the update required, and include the following items:
- Copy of the 2020 1099 form mailed to you
- Completed W-9 dated after January 31, 2021
- Legacy Medicare Provider Number/Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN)
- National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- Contact name with contact number
Fax copies will not be accepted. All discrepancy notifications must be received by March 12, 2021, to allow us time to make the necessary updates and send a corrected 1099 form to you, if needed. To ensure that we meet all Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations regarding the issuance of these forms, any requests received after this date will not be processed.
Please note that corrections made to your 2020 1099 form will not correct future 1099 forms or your Medicare provider file. CMS regulations regarding your Medicare provider number require that you complete the appropriate CMS-855 enrollment application to make the necessary updates to your Medicare provider file.
If you have any questions regarding these requirements or the steps to make a permanent update to your records, please contact the number listed below for your location:
JM MAC: 855–696–0705
Railroad Medicare: 888–355–9165
JJ MAC: 877–567–7271