Submit Paperless eClaims through eServices
As an alternative to submitting electronic claims using the 837P transaction, Railroad Medicare providers can submit paperless Part B claims online through eServices, the Palmetto GBA secure portal. eClaims are processed similarly to electronically submitted claims and are entered directly and securely into the Railroad Medicare claims processing system after passing the CMS Common Edit Module (CEM). If a claim is initially rejected, you can correct the claim and resubmit it through the portal. Unlike electronic claims that you would submit through a vendor or clearinghouse, eClaims are entered one at time by typing information into a dynamic online Claim Submission form.
eServices users can access the electronic claim submission (eClaim) feature using the Claim Submission sub-tab located under the Claims tab. While eServices provider administrators will have access to the Claim Submission feature by default, provider users must be granted permission by an active provider administrator on their account. Users who have not been granted permission will not see the Claim Submission sub-tab.
New registrants must wait 48–72 hours (not including weekends and holidays) before the Claim Submission feature is available. If the provider administrator is not able to view the sub-tab 72 hours after registration, they will need to contact the Railroad Medicare Provider Contact Center at 888–355–9165. To connect with an eServices representative, select option 2 from the main menu for EDI/eServices. Then select option 1 for eServices inquiries.
For more information about submitting eClaims, see section 4.6 in the eServices User Manual (PDF, 8.59 MB).
eServices is available to providers with a signed Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Enrollment Agreement form on file with Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare. If you have not already signed up for eServices, it’s a quick and easy process. You can get started here.
eServices Registration Tips
When registering an eServices account for a Railroad Medicare provider:
- Enter the same Railroad Medicare Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Tax Identification Number that was submitted on your Railroad Medicare EDI enrollment agreement
- Choose Railroad Medicare Part B – All States from the Line of Business drop-down list
- Enter the most recent Railroad Medicare payment made to the PTAN/NPI combination you are registering or your access code from EDI if you recently completed an EDI enrollment agreement