Beneficiary Address Change Form

Published 02/05/2018

Palmetto GBA now offers an interactive form (PDF, 700 KB) to complete and send to Railroad Medicare to update your address. This form can be completed and printed, and then mailed to:

Palmetto GBA – Railroad Medicare
P.O. Box 10066
Augusta, GA 30999-0011 
Fax: (803) 264-9844

If someone else is completing this form on your behalf, they must include a copy of legal or court papers showing they can act on your behalf.

If you have any questions about this form or how to complete it, please call our Beneficiary Contact Center at 800-833-4455, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET. Basic Medicare information may be found on our website at  

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