Navigating Palmetto GBA's Event Registration Portal
Palmetto GBA’s Event Registration Portal is a one-stop shop for all Palmetto GBA-hosted events. The portal was designed with an intuitive event registration process and a user-friendly layout.
Create User Name and Password
Every user will need to create a user profile before registering for events.
Step 1: Log onto to the Palmetto GBA Part A Home Page at: (JMA providers) or (JJA providers).
Step 2: Once on the home page, select Education/Events (JMA) or Education (JJA).
Step 3: Select Event Registration Portal.
Step 4: Click on Login in the top right hand corner of your screen.
Step 5: Click on Create Profile in the drop down box.
Step 6: Complete the required fields as denoted by the *.
- Important: Once you type in your email address, if you have already created a login and password to register to receive email updates from Palmetto GBA's listserv, the system will automatically use the same user name and password as your listserv profile for the event registration portal
- Login: Once your profile is created, you will be able log into the Event Registration Portal and register for events
Step 7: Click Login at the top right-hand corner of your screen.
Step 8: Enter your user name and password.
- Note: If you forgot your user name or password, you can select Have It Emailed to You to have it emailed to the email address you entered when you registered
- To register for Events: Once you have logged in to the portal, you will be able to sort the events by contracts or use the filter to view events offered for a specific contract
Step 9: You can select the Contract from the drop box that fits your provider type, or you can view all events for all Palmetto GBA contracts.
Step 10: Once you see an event you would like to attend, simply move your cursor over the event title and select that event. The details and registration information for the event you selected will be shown on the screen.
Step 11: Once in the selected event select Register Yourself or Register Another Person to register for a specific event.
Alert: Most teleconferences and webinars do not require registration. Some events require providers to register for attendance through the Association Palmetto GBA is partnering with for the event. If that is the case, providers will be instructed to contact the Association and the Association’s contact information will be listed on the screen.