Reason Code 30949
An adjusted claim contains frequency code equal to a "7," "Q" or "8," and there is no claim change reason code (condition code D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9 or E0).
Add the applicable claim change condition code and F9 or resubmit the adjustment claim.
Note: If, after reviewing the error(s), you decide that you would rather submit another adjustment claim instead of correcting the errors, you may do so. Duplicate claim editing does not apply to claims in the RTP file. Palmetto GBA encourages you to correct any billing transaction instead of suppressing the claim. However, instructions for suppressing the view of claims are found in the DDE User's Guide, Section 5.
You can find a list of claim change reason/condition codes on the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) website.